Welcome to Patriots' Path Council Adventure Programs!

Our dedicated staff is fully trained and certified in our programs.  

Cub Programs

Scout Programs

Merit Badge Classes

Register to be in the Morristown St. Patrick's Day Parade!



Join in the fun!  PPC Adventure Programs are now available for Cubs.  

Maple Sugaring!  Join us and learn about tree tapping, sap gathering, and making syrup.  Click on the Cub Scout Programs button below to find out more.

Build It! Baloo the Builder program is back!

BB & Archery registration is open.

PPC Adventure Programs are now scheduled directly through the council with Mike Loughman.  Schedule Shooting Sports, COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) and Climbing, Zipline, and more!  

We have a great mix of Merit Badge classes that are not your every day merit badge.  Clink on the link to find out more! 

yEAR ROUND Camping Reservations 

Select Reservations to go straight to Black Pug reservations site.  Select Website to find more information about our camps- pictures, prices, ranger notes, etc.